Terms and cONDITIONS
Assignments are only accepted by the sole proprietorship (in Dutch: eenmanszaak) Van Dam litigation & patents, which is registered in the Dutch business register under number 70965218. General terms and conditions apply to all assignments and contain i.a. a limitation of liability.
The firm has an internal complaint procedure. Information on formal temporary replacement and the professional liability insurance of the firm will be provided on request. The firm does not have available a foundation that holds a client trust account and therefore cannot receive clients' funds.
Use of this website
Besides this page with legal information, the sole purpose of this website is to give a brief general background of the firm. The information on this website does not constitute advice. The firm is not liable for damage resulting from the use of information on this website or information obtained via a link on this website to another website.
Intellectual property rights to this website, such as copyrights, are owned by the firm. Information that is protected may not be disclosed or reproduced without the consent of the firm, including placing on another website a link to this website.